To have your consigned item shipped back to you, go to and select Remove Listing for the listing you’d like to withdraw. You will be charged a retrieval fee to cover the cost of shipping. You may also be subject to any applicable taxes, duties or other charges, depending on the country to which the item is being returned.
For US sellers, the retrieval fee is typically $29 USD per item, which covers the cost incurred by Flight Club for the inbound prepaid shipping label as well as the cost to ship the item back to you. If you dropped off your item to Flight Club in person, the retrieval fee is typically $14.50 USD per item.
For non-US sellers, the retrieval fee will depend on the country to which the item is being returned. Non-US sellers may also be responsible for any applicable taxes, duties or other charges.
Flight Club will first attempt to deduct the retrieval fee amount from your seller account balance. If your seller account does not have sufficient funds, you will have the option to pay the retrieval fee via PayPal.