In certain countries and regions, a tax or personal ID number may be required at checkout to help ensure an item shipped from an international location clears customs and that any applicable taxes or duties are properly processed. Please note that it is the identification number of the order recipient that is required by customs.
If you are shipping an item to one of the applicable countries and you do not have a local identification number, please use the tax or personal ID number (e.g., EIN, SSN, etc.) issued to you by your country of residence. If you are a foreign national, please use the tax or personal ID number issued to you by your home country.
Orders that fail to include a tax or personal ID number may be either delayed at customs or undeliverable. In the event your item is delayed at customs, you will be contacted by the shipping carrier to provide the required information. If you do not respond in a timely manner to the request for information, your item will be returned and you will be issued a full refund.
Below, please find a list of countries and regions that require additional identification details at checkout.
For orders shipped to Mexico, citizens will need to provide either their Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC) or Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP).
For orders shipped to Brazil, citizens will need to provide their Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF).
South Korea
For orders shipped to South Korea, citizens will need to provide their Personal Customs Clearance Code (PCCC).
Mainland China
For orders shipped to China, citizens will need to provide their Resident Identity Card (PRC) number.